
“Would you like something to eat?” Bettie asked me as soon as the wind carried the storm back out to sea. “What do you have?” “I hope you like fat.” I did not like fat. Bettie went through a tube of real butter each week.  Deep fried chicken nuggets to turkey. “Can I have some […]


I went home and I packed. I packed way more than I needed to, yet, since I didn’t know where I was going or for how long, over-packing seemed quite normal. I climbed backed into the van. This van was one of those big metal vans. Not a cute crossover, but a big van with […]

Work in Progress

I am not sure if a storyteller, but I sit down and I keep trying. I decided I am not going to try and make this perfect, (i.e. I am sure I will find all sorts of little mistakes tomorrow. I will fix then). And writing, as well as everything in life, is a work […]

Happy National Coming Out Day

I am going to try something here. It may work or it may not. My attempt is to tell my story in bits and pieces. Perhaps like several short stories or chapters. I don’t truly know yet. What I do know is something can be learned. I am biased and this is from my perspective, […]

Adult-Child in me

If you should ever need to go to a hospital, go to a Children’s Hospital if you can.  I have not written in a while because of many changes in my life. I am back. Today was my first appointment at Children’s Hospital in Boston, my home anchor. I think everyone should be able to […]