One Orange Sock

I am not going to lie, I coughed a lot last night.

Why did I cough?

The sky turned blue, deepened to purple and melted into black.

The stars heated and shined through the clouds, sharper and brighter.

I own one orange sock.

The water percolated a minute faster than last.

I have no idea. Sometimes I cough more than some days. I know that Tobi, one of my inhaled antibiotics kicks my butt a bit.

So – treatment. My vest, percussor, and treadmill combination. Longer, harder, and fuller.

I may have told you this before, but do you know you actually change the shape and function of your cells when you exercise? You make them more efficient. I believe this is true for CF as well as non-CF.

I find this so interesting. My PT guy told me that. That was his doctorate thesis and he did a presentation at the CF convention. I would love to read it.

My PT guy also told me that how everyone is worried about youthfulness . . . I am too, well your posture is the first thing that tells your age more than anything.

You can visually see someone’s posture way before their wrinkles. There is something to the fact when your mom (or at least my mom) said, “Stand up straight. Move your shoulders back.”

It is also super-duper important to not lose elasticity and air capacity by slouching over.

Doing band exercises behind your head is helpful; yoga of course, anything to open your shoulders and chest. Posture is tough – I am always trying to be mindful my shoulders and my lungs.


So I have noticed, if I don’t exercise on a regular basis, my body physically feels strain. Maybe that’s normal?

When I exercise, the strain goes away. I have asked and they said it could just be stress or inflammation . . .

It honestly feels when I work-out and stretch the tension and stress leaves through my fingertips. As if this buildup of energy is released and is no longer.

The idea is to keep at it. Keep moving one foot in front of the other. Dig in the dirt. Lift some heavy shit, and keep trusting the unwavering Universe.

Cheers to getting sleep because I worked hard on my treatments today; hiccups.

If you have a chance to learn about Ben Ferencz, please do. I watched Prosecuting Evil – what an amazing person; amazing does not cut it.

To counter balance, Katherine Ryan is super funny.

Short, short story:

Long ago I worked at a nursing home. One of the resident’s, Helen, was sitting in her wheelchair telling stories. A few residents where talking about cars and what kind of cars they have or had.

I walked by and she said, “I remember I had this beaut: it was a BIG, WHITE, GORGEOUS FRIGIDAIRE.”

Her eyes were fixated, with a large satisfying grin – “You should have seen it.”

I think if her every time I see a Frigidaire.

May your hearts be full of wonder.