I made a big SNAFU this week.
A SNAFU: SNAFU is widely used to stand for the sarcastic expression Situation Normal: All Fucked Up, as a well-known example of military acronym slang. However, the military acronym originally stood for “Status Nominal: All Fucked Up.” It is sometimes bowdlerized to all fouled up or similar.[3] It means that the situation is bad, but that this is a normal state of affairs. It is typically used in a joking manner to describe something that is working as intended. The acronym is believed to have originated in the United States Marine Corps during World War II.[citation needed]
This is just from Wikipedia which is not a scholarly resource. I didn’t feel like digging. I know it began in WWII.
On Wednesday I went to do my Advair inhaler – and it said zero on the tracker. I looked in my cabinet – Shit. Tessa.
I seem to remember now that I needed to order. The issue was I needed a new script. That fell to the back in my head somewhere, I don’t know where. Apparently nowhere.
Advair is a steroid and bronchodilator that helps my airways open up and remain open with all the allergies in the atmosphere. We had tried several things back in the day, around 2014 & 2015, and other methods did not work. I need a long lasting med to keep my lungs open.
The allergies close up the alveoli – they are trying to protect themselves, and then it trapped crap in in it and my cough got deep and dark fast. So – I use the lower dose once a day, and when allergies are bad twice a day – all year around. We tried to do it spring through fall, and that didn’t work.
Is it good to use all year around, not really. Not sure what I am supposed to do.
Two things: I needed a new script which I can’t leave a message off hours with my docs.
I have to wait until they are open which is quite annoying. I often see a problem, and then fix it right away. But when the office is closed, I have to wait. It is like my script became an umbrella left at a train station.
I called at 8:32 and left a message. I asked them kindly if they could put in a script. It is a mail order drug. I cannot get it locally.
You can technically get it locally – however, I will have to ask for an emergency override. That will be about 3 calls. One to the insurance company. That’s a trip and half to begin. Second, a separate phone call to doc’s office to have them send in a one-month script to a local pharmacy. It seems I can more meds filled at Walgreens than CVS. It’s a hit and miss situation.
Then at some point – someone will talk to me and say that this isn’t usually done, but we will allow it this one-time. Slap on the hand. You fucked up.
Note, overrides:
Emergency override: usually a ten-day supply, sometimes a month, depending on the med.
Vacation override: they will allow you to bump up a date for refill if you are out of the state or country.
Other option: Just go through the mail order. I called my provider and said I am out. My mistake. Can someone please put this in soon?
It was filled and shipped on Wednesday and luckily arriving today. I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to wait until Monday, and I don’t!
Backup plan: increased allergy med and other inhaler which is more of a short-term fix vs. long. My cough has increased and I can hear wheezing. Not a lot but enough that it makes me a little apprehensive if it was to continue.
Auto-refill: I don’t put it on auto because it is technically prescribed more than I need.
It is a $100 copay every three months which adds up. My other inhaler is also $100/ 3 months as well. And if I don’t use it, it begins to stock up, and soon enough I will six months to a year in my cabinet that I have to keep track of expiration dates.
I already do that with my enzymes which is a process. I get 2,000 enzymes/month in 20 bottles. I keep them the paper bag they come in to keep track.
Side note: undoubtedly – I cannot tell you how many times a pharmacy tech or someone says: This is a big bag, when I get my enzymes.
There is a huge sub-context to that comment. Yep. Sure is.
So – Tessa fucked up.
I don’t think we take in or can take in all we do each day. How much success we have daily given we walk through many spaces the first time. And the spaces we know we are always trying to tune them just right.
As my friend says, Life is hard. But we still keep going, fumble, and have phenomenal successes.
Mercury is in retrograde. Do I believe in that? Check out this Farmer’s Almanac explanation. It’s like one train is moving forward and the other backward.
In effort to get back on track:
Did you open an Alliant Saving account?
Did you open a Roth IRA?
Very important – when you turn 72, you have to begin withdrawing from your retirement. You are still earning but you have to start withdrawing.
With a Roth IRA you do not. You can still earn money into your 70s and beyond. Work smarter, not harder. Open one at Vanguard – probably best bet.
Did you get a VPN?
Last notes:
a) I created a new website, as you can see. A paid version. It needs work. No comments needed unless you want to help spiff up the page. I am working on it. I would much rather write than work on the website. I own all my content on the paid version and no ads, cleaner, and my own URL.
b) My prior auth for Trikafta went amazing this time. My letter to Accredo and all my communication efforts worked. Bam, bam, bam, Tessa got drug in hand. I was astonished! So happy!
I worked on really hard writing this week. Drained me. It is good writing I think. A person never knows until they look at it again. I worked on it 2 hours each night, 3 nights this week. I have to shape it more.
The subject has to be good.
The writing has to be more than good.
The plotting has to be excellent.
Fun things for the weekend:
Make more clay animals. Mr. Peanut was so fun which I made for a reprieve this week.
Have a lovely visit with a writer friend.
Get books I requested at library for final project. That is shaping in my head.

Exercise. Exercise. Exercise.
Enjoy my inhaler once it comes.
Trust life more. This is literally the hardest thing for me. I think my breathing is sometimes stifled by not trusting.
Raise your arms and reach for the sky!
Exhale. Much love. Thanks for reading. 💜
You got this. You are a total rockstar and everyone slips once in a while. But you’ve got your back and bases covered, my friend. Hang in there. Glad you got the backup in time. I admire you for having your systems in place and how to get yourself back on track. ❤