I did my PFTs today. I last did them almost a year ago.
I have been stretching this new-found freedom without stretching over. It’s been wonderful. Glorious.
My PFTs are Steady Eddie, and that’s perfect. Thank you, Universe.
I went to Waltham Children’s, which is gigantic. I had never been there before. It’s a little confusing, but I found my way.
The tech was awesome. She said, “I wish you guys could see each other do this [PFTs]; you all have different ways and techniques. I have this one patient who does jumping jacks between PFTs.”
Should I be doing jumping jacks between sets? I am thinking. Who has been doing this, and for how long? I know patients with CF push, and we have our own routines and mindsets as we gear up for PFTs.
“Am I supposed to be doing jumping jacks?”
“Another patient starts by sitting, and then as he takes a breath in, he stands.”
I sit. I used to stand when I was younger, but now I close my eyes, trying all my might, and when I open them, I often see stars. I don’t trust myself.
“Another patient does some push-ups.”
I need to up my game. She did say, “It seems you did all your work before you came here and were ready to go.”
Yes. Yes, I did! I woke up 3 hours before the appt. I did two puffs of my Advair inhaler. I then do my treadmill, my neb on it, and wear my weighted jacket as I go up and down on the incline. I pushed my heart rate up and do at least 30 minutes. Within the 30-45 minutes before my PFTs, I did one puff of my rescue inhaler to open as much as possible. I do this every single time.
All inhalers and treatment times are noted.
“Why not? It’s not illegal,” I said.
They used to do pre- and post-inhalers. I am beyond that. I need all the inhalers.
I don’t think I am going to be doing any jumping jacks. Maybe push-ups?
What I do know is that I really need to aim for 5 treadmill sessions a week. I have improved my ability with the weighted jacket. I have upped the speed and incline. I can comfortably do that 3-4 sessions a week. It’s frequency, not duration, as we know. FIVE. I need to do FIVE.

Hand painted ceiling tiles created by children in the pain clinic. 💗💗💗
In the Hubermanlab podcast, in the episode “How to increase your Willpower & Tenacity,” in relation to fitness, you have to do something a little uncomfortable. Humberman calls them, “micro-sucks.”
Extra five reps. Ten jumping jacks. Extra five minutes pushing yourself on the bike. Up a couple more hills or holding a pose for another 30 seconds. Doing a different exercise totally confuses your muscles.
You don’t have to go overboard with them; you must push and do micro-sucks. You need to do it, period.
I am very thankful for my lungs. I am very thankful for my ability to still be here. I am very thankful for my excellent care.
I need to do FIVE.


Many blessings to you, and to you, and to you.