
I am writing a novel, or so I say that I am. I am trying. I am truly trying. Will it go anywhere? I do not know. But, I believe I have a story, cross fingers.

I need to create a sub-plot or more than one sub-plot. That’s what I am doing here, buying time while my mind is trying to find its way.

I am also working on this little Thank you project that I came up with one day. It is just something I want to do. More to come later. What makes me happy about this, it is something achievable.

People often ask me about my non-profit. How is that going? Well, it isn’t. I would like it to go, but I need people’s time. I have an idea, and I believe I could execute Part of me wants to say – “Hey, I have this idea – run with it and we will talk numbers.” If interested, please contact me.

Part of me thinks I have too many ideas and not enough time to get them done. I think I am may be the idea creator, like the inventor that tinkers, but it a whole another thing to make it happen. It is a slow-going machine. Nonetheless, I will never give up, and I continue to talk to people about them. One just never knows.

It always goes back to writing though, and it also goes back to traveling. I spoke to a patient the other day and he flew to Anchorage, Alaska and did an Alaskan cruise down to Vancouver. I want to do this – or something of this nature. I think it’s my next trip. I want to put it on the calendar. It is calling me.

Still need a sub-plot. I am thinking. Sometimes I need to sit here and start mapping out ideas.

Today, I got checked for a lump on the right side/back side of me, waist level. It is more than likely another a lipoma as it feels the same as the other two or three I have on my left arm. They feel like tiny marbles under the skin, like a half of a centimeter, if that. The rad didn’t need any additional imaging. I will wait for the final report.

This year I am supposed to get a mammogram because it’s time, and a colonoscopy. I have colon cancer in my family and CF patients are screened at age 40 years old because of the digestive enzymes and scarring in our intestines.

I personally get an ultrasound screening for my pancreas, bile ducts, and liver every 2-3 years because CF patients have a supposedly higher probability of pancreas cancer and other aliments because of the non-functioning pancreas. Mine is textbook CF panc. It is enlarged and has been for eons.

Given all of that – I will continue to plan my trips. I will continue to work on my writing and projects, and I will have back-up plans as well.

I am lucky to be here. I feel as if I have stolen 40 years of my life. Modern medicine has kept me alive.

And even though one of these wonderful modern medicines have kept me alive, it also adds one hour to my treatments every other month. But how can one complain. Twenty years ago CFers didn’t have the option to take it, and patients died that had this particular bacterial strain. It has changed the landscape.

When I take it, I often sigh out of thankfulness and yet – the time. But, I can’t complain. If you cut corners, you cut real life time. And that is on me and no one else.

I have stolen 40 years, yet I have worked for them.

I need to get a trip on the calendar. And what about that sub-plot? I think I have an idea.