
Today has been a good day. I would say great, but I am in the hospital. Got my PICC! People keep saying “someone has some pull around here.” I think my doctor has some pull and is gentle, kind, and is taking small steps with me. And I got my PICC just in time. My […]

Going In

Well, I had my appt today. My lung function went down again. Honestly I don’t even know how that is possible. I think my lungs are tired, working hard, and like my doctor says it could take months for my lungs to repair. Constantly shedding old tissues and building new ones. What does that mean? […]


Keeping this short: Yuck. I coughed up blood today; 10-12 Kleenexes worth. It was during yoga while we were doing some new breathing exercises (to me), compressing my lungs and expanding them wide. A cough erupted and poof! I almost left but I had only been in class for maybe 15 minutes. I paid for […]

I think I have Turned a Corner

Sunday afternoon; gorgeous outside. Didn’t know if I wanted to write, but then thoughts came. I think I have turned a corner. Since my last post, granted could change anytime, but I am clear to say at this moment in time I haven’t coughed at night; my coughing has become less, less yucky, less explosive, […]

To Keep Flight

I am going to talk about the logistics of CF today. I didn’t even know if I wanted to write anything, but here I am. I have been doing 3 treatments a day. Each about 30 minutes. I have this awful choice to stop it whenever I want out. There are 6 time frames of […]

Less Bumps

I can never write a title until I have written the body of whatever I am writing. There are a lot of things floating around in my head, and I can’t seem to nail down what exactly I want to write about. First, I laid on my hands last night, trying to hide them from […]


Update: The Sun is shining! So much so I am squinting as I am typing. The theme carries on. I am coughing ten times less than I was even a week ago. Yoga is stretching my spine upward. I woke up this morning coughing semi-violently, or at least until tears were streaming down my face […]

Bright means good.

Right now, I feel as if I am passing the wave of frustration. I know good music is such a part of this, and has been my whole life. Find that rhythm and keep going. And I love yoga. The concentration, the moment of breathing, and striving to manipulate your body into poses with strong, […]

Day #3

Day #3: The Fork Stripped, back to the basics. Shaking hands, walking the same pace, rhythm, breath. Here I am again. The last time I remember crying in my doctor’s office is when I was 14 years old, maybe 15. Different reasons, same everything. My pulmonary function scores (PFTs) went down again. Just staring, not […]

Words from the Past

Rereading, rethinking, this is some words I have written in the past. Perhaps some wisdom from my previous self I can gain, maybe not. One day a friend of mine asked me if cystic fibrosis made me feel if I was the walking dead. Quite taken back, I said, “No.” What in the hell does […]