Sitting in the CF Minnesota clinic this last December, a nurse hands Dr. Billing’s, my new CF Minnesota physician, an old 1980’s official-looking record with Dr. Warwick’s signature on it. Dr. Billing’s delicately takes the piece of paper setting it down ever-so gently, around its edges, ensuring not to wrinkle but to preserve. She […]
Author Archives: Tessa
Today, is –
Today is, has just become one of the best days – My liver function tests came back completely normal. Not one elevation. Not even close to a elevation. Which means – I can continue taking my new drug. This almost leaves me speechless. Speechless for a few moments anyway. Somehow, somewhere, even with all the […]
All of Life’s Wonders
“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you; the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places […]
The other day at work, I eyed the stairwell. I haven’t done the stairs since October. This would truly see if my lungs are improving, or if the medication is truly opening my lungs. “Let’s not think about it. When I am ready, I will be ready.” I was too tired at the end of […]
Just like my Dad
I have been told all my life that I am “just like my Dad.” It has been said not always in the most positive connotation by the way. I don’t exactly know what that means. What I do know about my Dad is he is the most calm and level-headed person I think I have […]
A Bright White
Planes, trains, and automobiles are a part of my life again – I dreamt that I needed a double lung and liver transplant last night. I kept saying with great deliberation that “I feel fine. I don’t understand.” I did not really enjoy that. I slept great besides that. Fuck. Onward – I am reading […]
Surviving it all
I am lazy. I should be on my treadmill, instead I am writing. Half one the other of those dozen eggs. Eggs went splat and writing trumped treadmill. A dear friend of mine from radiology school, Lisa, we were reminiscing about our old stomping grounds just as of late. Surviving our old stomping grounds […]
Before I say a word – I was trying to find a quote I remembered I learned from school. I did not find that quote, but happen to read a blip from one of my papers – it is all-so-fitting: “I like the idea that if someone is writing about one’s life, can one really […]
To, Becoming Stronger
In life, you learn to stitch together those loose threads. You know the ones that hang all snarly, looking at you as you look back at it. You take a needle, move it in and out, passing through the tangles and the knots that can be so beautiful even when they are such a […]
Stepping Over
Love this quote: “You cannot hope to sweep someone else away by the force of your writing until it has been done to you.” – Stephen King Daring to dream – I am. Growing up I always did exactly what I was supposed to do, except a couple times I hid my pills in […]