This morning I thought I lost my Iceland hat. Retracing my steps and trying to see where I put it, I thought I had it when I was working the other day on school stuff. Ah-ha! It was under a couple books.
This is what happens this time of year – books, papers, projects, piled up – having to sift through and make sense – in form and in thought.
Of-tah, getting there. The final push to the end of the semester. A presentation and a unfolding lesson plan – creating ideas and while trying to keep focus.
But it is fun! I have come across two fabulous books in 3-D animation, claymation, and filmmaking.
Back in the day, I checked out film schools but the pull for the practical became heavy. I figured someday I would go back and play.
During my undergrad, I did take a filmmaking course and couple other creative courses. We made a documentary and the processes of editing was so fun. I loved it. I loved every moment of it. But then my drug costs, so back to the practical.
There was this moment I remember – going way off topic here – in my film class and we went outside talking about lighting and outside elements. I was kind of in the back of the group, observing and taking my time, and I walked outside into the sunlight where the class was.
There was this tree and one beefy football player was leaning on the tree, and then this other beefy football guy who was standing mighty close to him. The boy standing quite close to the beefy tree boy had his hand under the boy’s shirt. As I stood there trying to gather what I was seeing.
When the one boy saw me standing there, he retracted his hand as if he touched a hot stove. I looked in the other direction and moved through the class. Felt like I intruded in on a moment.
The boy who retracted his hand gave me an eye shot later and with a particular determination.
I just looked up and I felt bad. Twenty years ago was a different world in being gay. The two boys were quite adorable. A cute couple if they were. It was a very different time.
Every time I saw them together after that they were quite reserved. It started to make me think about other football players and athletes.
We have come a long way, but we have further yet to go. 💗
These are called “Lessons in Life in Various Kinds. I was quite young and had limited exposure.
Break –
Filmmaking, animation, writing, storytelling, super fun. I would love to edit a film again. I could with the tools at hand now.
Then travel, I would love to go back to Iceland. If I do, I would love to get more of these beautiful black and white prints.
I bought three separate ones that I framed and the photographer’s book. I should have bought more prints. It’s impossible to get online. I will get more next time around. Iceland is breathtaking –
I came upon this lovely video with Dolly and The Highwomen: Brandi Carllile, Natalie Hemby, Maren Morris, and Amanda Shires at the Newport Folk Festival. Super fun!
It has a couple commercials – but it is so great! Watch – it will make you smile.
Here are some black and white prints. Hross is Icelandic for horse. You probably got that. Some of the pages are hard to photograph. My apologies.
Please take care of you and and you and you. Much love. Back to storytelling, writing, and figuring. 💜 I just got an email from my professor- more things to think about for the final project. Oh my.
Keep moving forward in all ways possible; ambition and love. And to the adventures of travel someday again –