Little Lucy

I turned over in my

bed to see,

my friend, my doll

my sweet, sweet Lucy.


With only one eye. Her button black

eye had come loose and I had no

luck in finding it.


I shook out the sheets,

knelt down and peaked

under my bed. Sadness fell

a heaviness in my heart.


Lucy sat staring, her

one eye counting on me.

I let her down. It was my job,

I was her best friend.


I needed to find her lost button eye.


My ears perked. Soft voices

muted in the other room.

A particular voice with a

squashed box.


Rustliing, a dish, settling itself.

Round and round, each lip of its edge

moving up and down, a merry-go-round

with a loose anchor in the middle;

slow then quick, churning hard to find

its center.


My mom calls out, and my dad

Shh, you will wake the kids.


I heard a dish move along the wooden

table, and then a scoop – sound

gulped into someone’s hand. Absorbed

into nothing.


Lifted up high, to slide

between the other plates and

saucers stacked, crafted

by my mom’s careful eye.


Suction relased, refrigerator hum increased;

three beats, Nothing, and the door adheres again

and becomes a barely noticeable hum.


The weight of my mom and dad’s footsteps

become softer, further away as they wander;

descending the stairs, plum-tuckered.


I waited, a few seconds longer;

I needed the reliable silence; I needed to

feel the calm, and become calmer.


I lifted my covers, a heavy sigh;

lifting the down up and over.


I slid my feet over the side;

kicking my feet, propelliing me forward.

My bum slid over the edge until my feet

landed into my bunny slippers.


My slippers sunk into the new

plush carpet, soft-on-soft –

could life get any better?


My hand guided my way

into the hallway, into the bright

Christmas tree lights.

Shined into my eyes, I squinted

one eye at a time.


I looked straight ahead

my eyes narrowed –

a little red-haired doll, perched

on boxes wrapped

in silver and gold and a bow tie

looped at its center.


I walked up, eye-opened, round and bright

making sense to what I see – can it be?


I pulled her close to me, stretched

my arms back – she wore a

little black and white checkered dress,

a red petticoat and black

Mary Janes to match.


I gave her a big hug,

tucked my chin into her shoulders.

Moment-by-moment with each squeeze

I think I started to believe.


I carried her back to my bed,

even though I knew I wasn’t supposed to.


Clutching her tight, I bent one

knee eand propelled

my other foot, my body, back

into my bed, facedown.


I looked at my new little red-haired doll

cheeks high under her eyes,

eyes smiliing right into mine.


I nestled her next to Lucy.

I could tell Lucy wasn’t happy.


My little red-haired doll felt her sorrow,

shaking, sad, and scared.

Right there; the center of you

and me, our heart. I could feel

Lucy’s hurting.


My little red-haired doll

I have no name yet,

as we just met. She whipsered

to Lucy, Don’t worry.


Lucy shot her a look. Little

red-haired doll absorbed all of it.


She did not waver, she knew

what spite looked like, how it

sunk into hurt.


The next morning I slid off

my bed, walked out of my room.

Lucy in one hand and

my little red-haired doll in the other,

hanging on, palm-to-palm.


Merry Christmas! My mom and dad

cheered a happy song.


You found your new little red-haired doll!

My mom said

as she took a sideways glance at my dad.


Yes . . . I am sorry. I couldn’t help it.


Merry Christmas! We hoped that you would

find your new little red-haired doll.


I love her but . . . .I love my old doll, Lucy, just as much.


Lucy’s straight lipped face turned

into a pondering smile. Am I hearing this

right? Can this be? Can this be

what I am hearing?


I found her little black button eye.

I opened my palm, and my mom and

dad looked into my eyes.


A needle and thread should fix that quick,

my mom replied.


I sat in my chair holding

my new Little Red in my lap.


My mom tied the last knot and

Lucy opened both of her eyes, wide

right into mine.


I reached for her; my mom gently

released her to me. My beautiful

starry-eyed Lucy and Little Red.

See – Little Red nodded

to Lucy. Lucy’s eyes became

soft, shoulders relaxed;



I held them both tight

between my arms and my

heart – both loved by me.


This is what happens sometimes – a story comes, and schoolwork waits. A draft as always. Improvement always awaits. The lines are because this format wouldn’t leave breaks between.

Much love.