One of My Favorite Things

One of my favorite things in the world is not coughing. It is the small things. In my case, probably not so small. I, thankfully, got a PICC placed yesterday as an outpatient. Two-weeks of potent, knock the socks off of you, drugs. The infusion nurse asked me yesterday if I was nervous. I am […]

Just Stop. Listen.

Yesterday I turned 37, nearing 40. I have many goals for myself – striving to make 40, Fabulous 40. I want to feel strong, focused, and feel damn good. I have a list of objectives, of course. I want to feel and be better than ever. Just making that declaration is a good place to […]


As I was trying to fall asleep last night the words “numbers” kept circling. I decided it is time to talk more about my hospital stay, since numbers are everything. When I am admitted the over-arching goal is to get my PICC placed and start my antibiotics to get my “levels.” The PICC line is […]

Dear Friends

“In order to get a friend, you have to be a friend…” – Maya Angelou When I heard this quote – I knew it was relative to friends outside of me, but I always think about being friends with myself first. I must be friends with me before anyone else, because plainly I will make […]

Cue it

I love a full sound, a full orchestral sound. Your hairs stand and it feels as if the music is coming from inside and echoes, shakes, stirs, swirls around you – wrapping you in this cloth of sound. It feels limitless, boundless. This is my wish. The last two weeks have been extremely difficult. I […]

Say It

On “Oprah’s Soul Sunday” series she asks each person she interviews “What has been the most difficult thing for you to learn?” I would answer, “To live.” “To thrive.” Sheila and I have talked about when people have asked, “If I ever thought I would be married to a woman?” No, I never thought I […]

Gratitude, again

There has been a few times when I wanted to write, but I resist. I am resistant to complain, putting out my complaints and my frustrations out into the world. Not that they aren’t valid – because objectively they are. I often ask Sheila, “Just looking at this face value, this is something to be […]


I have not written in a while because I wanted to see how I am doing, testing the ground, before I wrote about it. Just had another follow-up appointment with my doctor – went great. This is the first time in all my life that I didn’t even look at my PFT scores. They said […]


I may write more about my experience in the hospital, I know it will come up. But, my mind isn’t there at this moment. When you give in, the things you want least can become the exact thing you need. I am reprinting. I wrote a lot about CF, my personal experience with CF years […]


I wrote this a couple days before I went into the hospital. I am going to leave it as is. Mucus, mucus, and more mucus is the theme. I am in a cycle I need to get out of. I tried the fancy Tobi podinhaler that saved me 17 hours of therapy time – but […]