The Little Engine That Could

I think I started writing a story in verse. I would like to work on it as much as I can and then show my poetry professor. She does scare me still. Truth: it could be I am scared to be told I suck. She could just draw a line through your entire work and […]

A Short Spin

The other night I started watching Wine Country again on Netflix. It is so fucking funny. I do not know why exactly it is so funny, or perhaps I feel as I know and have known these people all my life which makes it only that much more funny. The main cast is Amy Poehler, […]


Do you know what one of my favorite Madonna songs is of all time? “Promise to Try” from Like a Prayer; circa 1989. It almost makes me cry each time. I was thinking today in and between my landscaping – and this came to me. A quick list. No rhyme or reason for an explanation. This is just […]