A fork is a fork

Many moons ago I took
an American Sign
Language (ASL) class.

It required me to choose me,
sounds silly right?

Stand up straight.
Sign with confidence.
Choose your dominant hand,
And lead.

What I also learned is
a wall is a wall;
a fork is a fork;
a chair is a chair.

Don’t question the signs;
Accept them.
Make use of them.
Make them yours.

Whether or not
You believe
It does not matter
The belief still is.

Calms the wind,
Soothes the ocean,
Melts the ice,
Warms the earth,
Hugs your soul.

The wind opens your lungs,
A blessing sets in

To believe is not a
question to grapple.

It is here as much as
The walls are walls;
the floor is the floor;
a fork is a fork.

The signs for coffee and tea
Are still my favorite.

Coffee, as if you are manually grinding coffee.


 Tea – a tea cup with a tea bag. To dip the teabag into the hot water a couple times, moving your one hand up and down slightly, a bobble really, to steep to your liking.

Similarly to tea, is vote. Placing your vote into the box.


I have paused on my one antibiotic, To see.. to see how I feel. I may make an appointment to see…to see how they feel.

You may intuitively guess which one based on a recent post.

It has just been a week,
don’t slap my hand.

I will probably pick it up again…not so much that I feel poorly. I don’t.

I don’t want to test the sea too much without the overseers okay.

Last thought –

The words, “The best stories,
the stories we remember are the
ones written from the heart” came
to mind this morning.

The ones from Nikki Grimes Ordinary Hazards – probably the best book I have read this year.

The poems of Mary Oliver. A Massachusetts native herself.

Remember The Secret Life of Bees – oh so good, by Sue Monk Kidd.

The stores we remember the most are the ones that come from the heart.

Aren’t they though?

Time for me to work on mine.

I wanted to share a story Into the Fire by Susan Neville. I read it on Ploughshares, but to read it you must be a subscriber.

It’s a little bit of a mystery through time, meaning, and the act of remembering. A reflection marked with heart. I can print it out if truly interested.

It is worth the $1.99 amazon ebook.

A blip: https://danwakefield.com/susan-neville-goes-into-the-fire/

Much love to you and to you and to you. A fork is a fork is a fork. I have to do my treatment.