A Toast

Too long ago does the train pass
We forget where we have been,
Who we are, who we have been, and
Where we must go.

My lesson to not let too much time go without writing. I have been writing, but a different kind of writing. Constructive then completely loose at other times.

I will admit that this blog will not have a concise beginning, middle, and end. First reason, I am too damn hot shaking in my vinyl vest. I feel as if I am being cooked. Then I am just gathering my thoughts. Who knows – maybe something of a story will come together.

I just noticed I have a couple ants on my table next to my desk because I am not so smart at times and my chocolate from Paris, although wrapped up, was not in an air-tight container. I must toss.

Another fun thing, I blew, and maybe blew-up my vest. It had over 850 hours on it and apparently it had enough. I blew a drum, a hammer, a nail and a few other things in it. Not a hammer and nail, but I know a drum was in there. I turned it on, and snap, crackle, pop – and poof! An unpleasant odor arose from it and was dead. It was sad. I was sad. It took almost a week to get the loaner because somehow I was missed on the list. I have had the loaner for at least 3 weeks, and my old one is coming home next week.

Note: the UPS courier was so nice and called me because he knew this was an important drop off, actually a switch. They give me theirs, no hoses or plugs attached, and I give them mine. He called me and asked me when I would be home to make the switch. He came back after 6pm on a Friday. What a nice guy. I could have gone all weekend without it. I appreciate his kindness so much.

When I purchased this gem, the insurance paid for 80% and I kicked in 20%. The 20% guaranteed me full coverage for all repairs and replacements for my entire life. Not the machines entire life – but my entire life. It was a sum of $2,500 for this, but I knew as with all my technological difficulties, I would need it. I still believe because of my technological frustrations and sometimes resistance, I tried to stop the railroad in a previous lifetime or I have watched “Little House on the Prairie” one too many times. But, can you really watch it too many times? These are all questions I cannot answer.

I did a full one hour, well 45-minute P90X yesterday, retro style. I didn’t wear leg warmers but I went retro. It felt so good. I stretched out those knots and it made me feel strong. And you know what – I coughed once, maybe twice. My coughing in a 24-hour period has decreased 90% I would say and since the new drug arrival, I feel as if my body has been changing in erratic ways. But, I have passed going through puberty again. You may ask, what do you mean? My body was gaining weight and changing beyond my control. I gained the necessary 5-6 pounds and I feel stronger, but I didn’t know how many calories to eat to maintain weight, not gain or lose. I scaled back dramatically and took almost all dairy out of my diet and I have stabilized. My goal is to work on feel strong and healthy. That is it. Strong and healthy.

Did you know that one of the first true signs of aging is your posture or lack of holding-up your posture? More than skin care or anything else but the ability and strength to hold your posture up-right.

I have learned through the years that it is extremely important to stand up-right as my lungs will lose elasticity and one becomes hunched and barrel chested in time. Yoga, strength-training, stretching, anything to expand my lungs and torso is needed. Before I moved to Boston, my clinic measure my lung width and depth every 3-months. They also took a chunk of my fat on my arms and waist and squeezed it with a little measuring tool to see how much skin/fat I had. And you wonder why CF patients had eating disorders as they approached last teens and early twenties.

Other such fun things, I have many books I need to read as they stare at me constantly.

I write little poems for fun, everywhere I can.

I am working on a non-profit project. I truly think in all my life that this is the direction I am supposed to be in.

I am another year older – who knew I would get here. Life is an achievement. A blessing.

My friends Mark and Nicole would be proud of me, as I was proud to call them my friends.

So I toast to them and say “Thank you for being a part of my life and my memories” on this lovely August evening.