There has been a few times when I wanted to write, but I resist. I am resistant to complain, putting out my complaints and my frustrations out into the world. Not that they aren’t valid – because objectively they are. I often ask Sheila, “Just looking at this face value, this is something to be […]
Category Archives: cystic fibrosis
I have not written in a while because I wanted to see how I am doing, testing the ground, before I wrote about it. Just had another follow-up appointment with my doctor – went great. This is the first time in all my life that I didn’t even look at my PFT scores. They said […]
I may write more about my experience in the hospital, I know it will come up. But, my mind isn’t there at this moment. When you give in, the things you want least can become the exact thing you need. I am reprinting. I wrote a lot about CF, my personal experience with CF years […]
I wrote this a couple days before I went into the hospital. I am going to leave it as is. Mucus, mucus, and more mucus is the theme. I am in a cycle I need to get out of. I tried the fancy Tobi podinhaler that saved me 17 hours of therapy time – but […]
To Be Thankful –
To Be Thankful – My Tobi Pod-inhaler and I have made it over the hump I think. I started writing this blog a few days ago when I thought I was getting over this hump with this new med, but as it turns out – it has lasted a week longer. The last two weeks […]
And the – NOW
So – things I have been doing since last time I wrote – focusing on the NOW; today; live one day at a time. I feel I have done this for a large portion of my life – but I am narrowing in even more so. I could write an essay on how to live […]
Exercise for Life
Exercise for Life. This is what I do. This isn’t a light blog entry. This is it. I am going to be brutally honest. My lung scores have been relatively stable since January. I haven’t looked back further than that. I do know from 2010 to now I have lost a liter of air space […]
Being in the Know
Sitting here, holding my nebulizer in my mouth, not with my teeth – God forbid, no one believes me that hours and hours of writing papers while doing my treatment and holding my neb with my teeth couldn’t possibly show a grinding-effect on my teeth. Being in the know and not in the know – […]
It’s Coming
I have been meaning to write – time and patience. Since June 15 I have been doing interval training on the treadmill everyday for 30 minutes. I warm-up for 4-5 minutes, incline to the point just below where my heart is going to come out of my lungs for 4 minutes, go back down for […]
Leave it
Quick update: It appears, seemingly that the bed was the source of my ills. A few days after we got the bed out, Sheila and I being brutes and taking it out ourselves; I coughed up crap, lots of it. A duplicate experience from when I worked at the place where there was mold. It […]