Filling My Heart

Today is one of these days when I feel blessed for everything in life.

To tell you the truth it wouldn’t be because my health is outstanding, because it is not. I do the best that I can with what I have. It is a constant challenge. I work to my max mentally and physically literally each day, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror.

It is a constant figuring.

A constant search of strength and endurance.

A constant of reinventing.

A constant work of asking questions and wondering.

A constant test of faith to be honest.

But none of which could I do alone. Well, that is a lie. I could do alone – but it would be a bitch-and-a-half and quite lonely.

I feel blessed that I live with laughter every day in my life. Sometimes it is silly humor; sometimes it is serious humor. Sometimes it is my silly humor running circles in my head and then suddenly dashes out like it wants to escape, to flee. How it lands is to be determined. Sometimes it is shared humored with my wife and with my friends. It makes me so cough hard sometimes I fall to knees, but laughter nonetheless.

There is this gigantic chunk of space that I cannot figure out in life. We are all on this quest to figure it out and put the pieces together that we may or may not figure out when it comes to the end – or the beginning.

What I do know – I walk in this life, one foot in front of the other, and feel a connection so strong and so tight that I feel it in my heart at times. It is a rhythm, a thought, a feeling that when I think about a certain person or an event, the person suddenly appears or in a message – that I truly cannot explain. This does not happen once, but many times. Then at times an event flashes before me and it has this incredible ability to come full circle to present day.

It makes me believe that there is so much more to this life that I cannot explain. That there is this great force that surrounds us and connects us that is ever-changing that hugs us, embraces us if we allow it. If we are open to it.

Tomorrow my tune could be different. Hell, tonight my tune could be different and the events maybe. But, honestly the feeling has been with me for many years and every so often another person walks into my life and feels that connection as well, it just makes me smile.

It brings me to this blanket of warmness. Thankfulness. Gratitude that the earth is ever-changing. Even when we don’t know where or when it is going to take us – trusting it is the first step. Holding another’s hand is the second. And the third is never letting go.

I am doing all 3 of these things today and the next, filling my heart to its rim.

Thank you for allowing me to come here and be here. Life is mysterious – and so let it be so.