Stepping In

This weekend is the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference.

At least 4,000 plus physicians, nurses, research scientists, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, nutritionists, social workers, and pharmacists are present thinking, exchanging, and sharing with folks here in the US, but with others from 42 countries worldwide as well.

A coming together: A place where energy is shared by hearing a word, a sentence, a nod, a brief note of what one person may think; a thought that grows into what could be, in a space that did not exist, and then they make it exist –

“What can be done there, can be done here.”

“I have been working on this – I don’t have all the data as of yet – but it is happening in our facility.”

“I have a patient that says this works for her, maybe we should look into doing this at our facility.”

Whenever I see, feel, and hear what is in the mill, the momentum that just keeps churning, to the bubbling brilliance from all, and then combined with their generosity – I am inspired.  

I continue to be inspired by the sheer magnitude of how each thought that forms into theories, into research studies, to a why not?  

It only pushes me to be better. Wrapping myself up into what could be, what should be, and leaving myself open to all that can be.

I say this repeatedly in my heart of hearts.

CF has been historically around since the 1950’s, for absolute, and likelihood decades before. This is when one sits back and thinks of the number of great thinkers, the scientists, the scavengers and hunters stepping in and not giving up year-after-year, it gives me goose bumps. The drums are beating.

The tipping point is coming.

Statistically, the math provides and proves. Math does not lie.

This community has dug their feet in deep and they won’t take them out.

They say We as a CF community continue to inspire Them.

Well – they continue to inspire Us.

The momentum will not stop;
Will never stop;
Nor will I ever stop.

One article to share, “Opening Doors to CF Clinical Research”.

Works Cited:

Cystic Fibrosis Trust. “History of cystic fibrosis.” 2015.

Gladwell, Malcolm. “The Tipping Point”. New York. Back Bay Books/Little, Brown and Company. 2000 & 2002.

Roman, Christina. “Opening Doors to CF Clinical Research”. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 9, October 2015.