
How is everyone doing?

How is everyone feeling?

I have been struggling with what to write, what not to write, or if I should be writing my blog at all, at this time.

I think you are supposed to keep doing what you are doing; keep doing what you have always done, and keep moving ahead.  So, here I am.

What I know for myself, when I read other people’s writing, it makes me feel better.

One of the coolest about being a creative writing class is reading other classmates’ full stories. We are at the point in the semester where people are writing their 12-15 page memoir, the length of a short chapter.

The entire class will read your memoir a few days before the class, and then the all-mighty larger workshop where everyone will give you feedback. To practice each week, we have been in small three-four people groups, and we read what we have out loud.

Last week, I read my 12 pages or so out loud. It’s a scary experience, but you just do it. These people know how to write, so you want their honest feedback. You take a sip of water and wish it was wine.

I read two of the memoirs yesterday, and they were so moving. They filled my heart and made me want to cry. Their stories have so much resilience and strength.

And something I think we forget:

People are natural problem solvers, and
People are natural story-tellers.

Story has this opportunity to create change and work with tension and stretch out that tension. Unlocking our problem-solving abilities.

I feel better after reading their stories.

I wish more people would write their stories, even one or two paragraphs. Just allow your words to fall on the page.

Fun things to share. Two videos that made me laugh hysterically this week.

Gosh – much love.  The hardest part of this whole blog. How to say good-bye without saying good-bye.

Then this beautiful Youtube station, my friend, Rebecca, guided me towards. It settles your nerves and puts you in a better mood. One of many ambient worlds: