
I often have a vision of myself sprinting, gliding, and sometimes casually walking on water.

There is always a deep sunset in the background. It is almost black but then the reds and oranges cast just above the water, slicing the sky and the body of water in half.

I have no true feeling of the water, but I know it is tepid, soft, and safe.

I am able to glide across; run; and glide across again.  I have immense abilities with no limits.

I have no pain – only joy.



You really can’t make out my shape but just a cascade of motion –

The reds and oranges are the only light that one needs; enough for life and enough for sleep.

My legs are strong like trees; I never sink.  I am stronger and bolder than water.

Each and every day this is how I like to proceed.  Sometimes I fall and then sometimes I fiercely stand – once again.

I believe that I have many years left in me, yet.

How will they play?  No way of knowing.  I have some ideas though.

How will I play?

I will clasp my hands with strength.

I will laugh a thousand times over.

I will probably cry and learn to let go just as much.

I will forever come out on the other side – knowing that I already knew what I had to learn, but just had to learn it all over again.

I will need the love and support from everyone I have ever known in the past, and today – because I am nothing without them.

I stand and glide with them on the water – because in that vision I am never alone.

We walk.

We glide.

We laugh.

I am only as strong as they are, and they are only as strong as me.

We are stronger than the water because we are together.