The Door of Revolving Resistance

I wish for a world without resistance.

I wish for patience, love, forgiveness, understanding, friendship – all without a byline.

I wish that people would go out in their daily lives with the assumption that FIRST people are good, while at the same time understand that sometimes they do bad things or make mistakes – not that makes them bad people.

Presently I have been confronted with health insurance resistance. This is a response from the Benefits office when I asked a question about their policy about not having a specialty at their hospital; therefore, forcing me to pay a much higher health plan to go elsewhere –

“BIDMC cannot be all things to all people. That is why our plans have Tiers so if you have the option of treatment at another facility.”

No intro, no one signed the email. Those two sentences in their entirety – that was it. I took it to a higher level, of course.

But, that is what BIDMC is promoting themselves to be.

Thus, we have The Door of Revolving Resistance.

So, I try to overcome with each turn.

I feel change is presently itself in a big way. The tides are changing once again.

The people I take with me have yet to be determined.

What does that mean exactly? I am not sure. Friendships continue to form; trust; a head nod that signifies understanding.

And while I move ahead – I believe there has to be a pause.

“You cannot change the past; you can only make improvements for the future. When you know better – you do better. You take my hand, I take yours. I smile; a smile in return, naturally.

Life is a continuous stream of learning and re-learning; presentation and overcoming what is.

I have a bundle of ideas I am working on.