The Gopher Way

I have not written in a while because I have not been well. I have not had the health to write. Something small turned into something much larger.

Last week I came into the hospital with shortness of breath, and come to find out pneumonia is real.

I don’t want to write much about how awful I was feeling – but I will write how much I have improved everyday and I am so grateful for that. Everyone here has been fabulous.

Ann, my respiratory tech, came and helped me and kept saying “You will be fine. You just need time.” Then she added, “When you get home, treatments, eating, and rest is all you should be doing. That’s it.”

I have been doing four treatments a day – their standard. With each treatment I feel better. And the drugs – they are great.

I really wanted to be discharged today. Symptomatically I am doing so much better but my numbers aren’t quite there.

So – I have had to refocus. I have had no choice. My lungs need more time to heal and exercise.

I don’t want to walk the hospital halls because of germs even with a mask, and there are limitations outside. I have to be on a small amount of oxygen when walking long distances which makes it cumbersome. Again – so much better than when I came in.

So, I have created my own exercise path or terrain. I am going where the gophers go – the MN Gophers.

You see the University of MN created underground pathways and ramps to avoid the cold weather. So – that is where I shall go.

There are less people and easier than the uneven grounds outside. The ramps and paths make a perfect exercise circuit. Plus I am in my old stomping grounds and my brain is remapping the paths in my head.

I started going up and down ramps and paths today and I have only just begun. There are miles of paths – obviously I will set limits.

I will get better. I am getting better. I am strong. I am stronger than I think.