How Lucky Am I?

When you are young all you want is love and support, before you knew what love and support was.

You, my dear friends, are and were the catalyst for three distinct moments in my life that I was able to do what I did because of love and support from you. It is not necessarily about the items at hand – but love and encouragement that I can feel from your heart to mine through your kindness, smiles, laughter, and your dear hugs.

I am also thankful that these “moments” are few, because their arrival is never clear but hold much gravity and purpose. I will say with certainty, I do not enjoy the purpose but enjoy and am blessed when the wind changes course and lifts for my life can return as such.

The moments:

Running away from home.

Coming out one-by-one to my dear friends, and how they didn’t flinch or question me but took my sincerity as is.

The third, my latest blog. When I wrote it, I truly did not know what to do with it, if anything. But, then, I had to get the devil off my back and inhale deeper and fuller.

But, you see these moments are not created overnight. I can mull over things for years at times, and then in a snap I walk out the door never to look back.

These moments can only exist from the constant love and encouragement that are not brought on by me alone. It is because you, my dear friends, each and every one of you – give me the greatest gifts of love and support that can only be felt. Once the first domino tips, it never sways off course. Your strength arrives with such magnitude that brings me to tears.

How lucky am I?

How did I ever deserve such heart?

As always, I love and miss you all when I cannot be near – but you are always in my heart each and every day.