I am not giving up

Minnesota is conundrum.

Some people know this and many don’t – one of the main reasons I left Minnesota is I followed my gut.

The last year I was in Minnesota I had hemoptysis four times.

Each time I got treated and started to recover – the weather and air quality turned me upside down, and I developed another infection and with hemoptysis. My lungs were so sore.

I started traveling in 1999/2000; went west and then east. I knew I needed a job that gave me a skill that I could transfer to another location.

Radiology was the ticket. I got a year experience and off I went.

Once I arrived in Boston and during that first year – no lung infections and no hemoptysis.

The ocean. The currents. The weather that changes 2-3 days.

The humidity didn’t have long enough to sink in and inflame and trap my mucus, and burn my lungs from the cold.

Minnesota has the best CF care – but the weather is brutal. Boston does not have the best CF care – but I can breathe. Making frequent but not too frequent visits to Minnesota is the solution I have found.

I have been listening to this song inspired by the film Five Feet Apart.

It is a teenage drama film, so the dramatization of the kids relationship is glorified a little – they are teenagers. But the honesty, the words in regards to CF are true to form.

I am not giving up

Even when know one else believes

I don’t go down that easily

Here is a version you can’t pass up –