Josh Llewellyn-Jones

I just finished watching “Hidden Figures” for the second time. That is such an inspiring movie. What a great story. What fabulous women.

Speaking of inspiration – it’s almost been two years since Josh Llewellyn-Jones did his 24 hours for CF. If you do not follow him – you should. And he has CF – he is in amazing shape.

If you forgot or do not know how good looking he is, well here:

I remind myself, or truthfully, I have written down his warm-up training session. Here is his warm-up:

15 min cycle (medium warm-up)
15 min cross trainer (medium warm-up)
20 sit-ups
20 Russian twists
20 mountain climbers
20 leg raises
20 V sit-ups
Side plank for a minute
Side plank for a minute

Amazing. I think if he can do that, I can do this. “This” changes, but “this” is more than likely what I would have done.

Exercise is still the best therapy.

Honest far as treatments go, I think percussion therapy is second. That is when a person – in my case my parents when I was young and a few times as an adult, a physical therapist pounds on your chest, sides, and back over 20-30 minutes/twice a day. You hit on someone long and hard enough, it is going to shake things up. It worked for years.

I still use my handheld percussor or massage in tough places. I hold it down hard and it actually feels good. My MN doc said as CFers get older the areas around the hilum get these pockets and then air no longer goes there. She emphasized for me to continue using my percussor and focus on my hilum.

The vest is the gold standard, and I get it. But, I have my frequency and pressure set really high and the percussor just feels like it does a better job at times. And I couldn’t exercise twice a day. I would get an injury, exhaustion, and then calories.

I really think I should get one of those Fitbit things at some point, to double-check that my heart rate isn’t going to high because I don’t want to lose weight. Get your heart rate up for health, but not too much.

Anyway – inspiration. Here is a great video of Josh. I think two years ago I posted it, but it’s worth the listen.

Good night, and may your hearts be full all day.