Just thoughts

I am getting excited for this semester. I mentioned I am taking a class on memoir, which also essentially means I am also taking a class on memory, and how we remember.

In Professor Melnyczuk’s words:

We will pay special attention early in the semester to the hazards of memory: how far do we trust it? Are there times when it seems more reliable than others? And what must we do in order to corroborate it?

What is the role of imagination in the act of recreating an event from the past? And what happens when someone else’s memory contradicts our own? What responsibility does the memoirist have to facts? Are facts and truth always synonymous?

And what is the difference between memoir and autobiography? Why write a memoir when you could compose a poem, a story, a novel?

Wow – right?

This class is going to challenge me. The readings will be fruitful and then we will workshop our memoirs in class, which is always brutal.

I saw Little Women yesterday; brilliant. Truly a perfect film. It is exactly the way in which you would think it should be or would be. Obviously, in my opinion.

It also reminded me I should be writing something every day. Even if I am jotting down little notes or words for a poem. There is truly no excuse. So, I did last night and will tonight.

Thoughts turn into words that turn into energy, that turn into life. Real tangible life. It is super-duper powerful. And we have that in us.

What is also super-duper powerful – falling into your work. Falling into things that turn into your world. I am falling into the literature I am researching for my final project. It isn’t necessarily “work.” It is, but the subject and what I want to do with it draws me in.

It is like I am creating the parameter of a puzzle and soon the pieces will fill and layer, and become something I do not even know yet. It is kind of exciting, in that PBS special kind of way.

It’s also super-duper important to be doing something in life that interests you because you tend to follow it, versus it pulling you. Shredding your hands along with it. You know what I am saying?

My goal is to do interesting work while I am doing good work.

I had a cold this week and for the first time in eons, I didn’t develop an infection. I am saying maybe in 15 years. I can’t even tell you because it has been so long. I have coughed more, but colds do that. But, no infection. I am doing this inhaled antibiotic now, and I don’t even know if I need it. I will continue to do until the words of the wise, Minnesota, tells me differently.

I want to touch and explore this last thought or idea: spiritual legacy – what do you want to leave your children? There are layers and history to the subject but I was reading that it is more important to teach your children how you think versus what you think.

Hmm . . .

These are just thoughts.

Much love, till next time.