My feet. My lungs.

“Only the Lord saw the midnight tears.” – James Baldwin

I liked this quote.

I just realized something this weekend that will make my life incredibly easier, incredibly simplified. It is almost too easy.

If I want to travel more internationally, and which I do – in order to do that, I will have to walk a lot.

A friend of mine just got back from Spain, and she reiterated how much you walk. Then there are stairs and then you walk and walk and walk some more. You walk considerable mileage.

This is what Europeans do. They walk all the time and it became incredibly clear – this is what I should do as well.

My fitness goal is to walk and walk and walk and to be able to do so. It is like “What do I want to do in my life?” Travel. I want to travel to Europe specifically.

Okay. Let’s tie in my fitness goals into my life goals or my life goals into my fitness goals.

It seems so simple, doesn’t it? It is so simple, it is almost ridiculous.

I don’t need to do crazy things. It is important, however, to do weights for your bones, posture, and balance. Yoga and stretching are also super important. But – walking and continue to walk for miles.

Now my lungs have to form an agreement with my legs, and sometimes I seem to develop some shortness of breath and my nose gets stuffed when I walking, but only outside. I have no issue inside. I think it is allergies. To remedy I have all the allergy meds but still have some issues time-to-time. I never truly know until I change environments.

I have also noticed that pollution irritates my lungs more these last few years. Or perhaps, there is a lot more pollution than there once was.

At home for exercise, what I have done is lengthened the time on my treadmill and it seems as if it becomes easier the longer I walk. I don’t get more tired as I go, I actually get re-energized.

It is all very peculiar.

My feet.
My lungs.
They have always carried me to where I want to go. Let’s keep going – please.

I have school later, which probably will require me to use my brain. So till next time.

Much love.