Little Lucy

I turned over in my bed to see, my friend, my doll my sweet, sweet Lucy. —————————— With only one eye. Her button black eye had come loose and I had no luck in finding it. ————————— I shook out the sheets, knelt down and peaked under my bed. Sadness fell a heaviness in my […]

We have come a long way –

This morning I thought I lost my Iceland hat. Retracing my steps and trying to see where I put it, I thought I had it when I was working the other day on school stuff. Ah-ha! It was under a couple books. This is what happens this time of year – books, papers, projects, piled […]


So, some people may know, it’s not a big group of people that know, that I am a bit of a Dolly Parton fan. How can you not be? I watched her Netflix special the other day, and boy, I did not know some of those songs. Dolly walks into life and writes it and […]

Through and through

On Friday I got my third rejection from a literary journal. It is to be expected. It’s almost as if you have to collect the rejections like a pack of cards. What you do with them, or what your mind does with them is up to you.            Another one bites the dust quickly goes […]

Breathing and believing

Breathing is hard work. Believing is harder work. I say that because breathing takes place from your autonomic system, believing does not. I am currently hopped up on some inhalers. I will explain later. I have been a bit frustrated. I have been conducting an experiment and it appears I cannot come up with a […]

Layered meaning

I am reading “Wampum as a Hypertext: An American Indian Intellectual Tradition of Multimedia Theory and Practice” – by Angela M. Haas for school. I, then, take a break from my reading, and I catch Oprah’s post on seven books that are helping her during this moment. One she highlights is When the Light of […]

A little time

I haven’t written in a little bit mostly because it didn’t feel right to do so. I wanted to give some time and space for the passing of my dog, Vixen. I felt as if I started writing, it is like writing over a time and space that is meant to hold for grief, or […]

This Jacket

A friend of mine posted a pic of himself wearing his CF vest, or jacket, connected to the hoses. Your eye immediately is drawn to the jacket. Yes, the person wearing the jacket, but the jacket. It’s about this materiality, objects, things we hold as value in our lives. It is also a mirror reflection […]

Slowly learning

I decided to take this teaching with technology class this semester, obviously fitting for the times. But, I believe I need to learn new platforms; new to me, not to the world. So, a bit stressed today trying to figure out what I was going to do for this first project. Then I messaged a […]

Good health

I was going to write about something completely different today but I am going to allow it to simmer a bit. I think it needs more time and space mentally as well as physically on the page. Also, I have school starting this week. I am still signed up for two classes and deciding on […]