We work better together

I want to focus for a minute.

I have been reading a lot and gathering but don’t know how to put it into words yet.

Daily I have been trying to pull my mind together and do some serious deep breathing.

People are suffering; the country is suffering. I read yesterday that 32% of households did not pay their full housing payments for July, and 19% did not make any at all (cnbc).

You can break this down to mean many things. The numbers are there. I am worried about these next coming months. There is anxiety around this situation.

All I can hear in my head is:

We work better together and not against.
We work better together and not against.

We work better together and not against.
We do so much better when we work together.

The next breath –
Thank you for my health. Thank you for my job. Thank you for my house, my car, the ability to get my medications. Thank you for my friends and family and my animals.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And my little Vixen is having more trouble lately: falling, walking sideways, standing in place for 20 minutes, holding onto a treat for 30 minutes – almost like she forgot how to chew.

It is her dementia or tumor – but the main thing is to keep her comfortable and safe.

But then sometimes she perks up and out of nowhere, she leaps around the yard. Then, she falls from sitting, standing, and being again.

Her back legs get stuck and then out of nowhere she flips. She may have a a slight herniated disc in her neck, and the last couple days her neck is a little sideways.

It is really hard to see and I love that little girl so much. Breaks my heart.

So –

We work better together and not against.
We work better together and not against.
We do so much better when we work together.

I opened my book and this nugget popped out from GMORNING, GNIGHT little pep talks for me & you – by Lin-Manuel Miranda, illustrated by Jonny Sun:

Good Morning!
When you were born you held infinite promise.
You’re older, you’re all banged up by life.
But you hold that promise still!

Good night!
When you were born you held infinite promise.
You’re older, you’re all banged up by life.
But you hold that promise still.

Much love to you. KEEP GOING!